But his plans are beaten down by a distressing sequence of activities that take place under a replicated disco tennis ball, including lilac silk, sparkle, needles, claws, power exercises and a key admirer. Brent has become the party master at a macabre, rude occurrence where he is the enjoyment. It's by far the maddest, best Midnight Madness film so far this year, and it's a shame it showed on Sunday to a 75% full house while the marginal Jennifer's Body and its crew of stars breezed in, opened the thing, and took off. The Loved Ones is a film that deserves to be seen, a genre freakout worthy of as much attention as it can get, which I hope is a lot. Truly enjoyble, truly independent, truly scary
As a low budget film, much of the emotional or psychological weight of the film has to be constructed with shot variety, pacing and cuts rather than effects or fancy impossible camerawork or incredibly expensive sets, and the cutting on The Loved Ones is top notch all the way, an absolute pleasure. To pick nits, it has a clunker of a synopsis that does little more than function as comedic relief and release valve for the considerable pressure that the main storyline builds, and its irrelevancy is distracting.